New To Yoga

Thinking about taking a yoga class

Here are 10 pointers to help make that first visit a success:

  1.  Wear comfortable clothing, loose clothing
  2.  Bring a bottle of water
  3. If you need to eat before class, eat a light meal about 2 hours before class
  4. Arrive at class 15-20 mins earlier
  5. Chat with the instructor, and share any of your concerns, check out the website for any additional information you might need.
  6. You may have a form to fill in or a wavier to sign
  7. Set up your mat- if you don’t have a mat studios will have a mat to borrow
  8. Pick up any props you might need (blankets, blocks, straps)
  9. Listen to your body, this is your yoga journey, list and honour your body!
  10. Have Fun enjoy, smile and breathe.